Price list
Autumn term
from 23st of Aug. - to 14th of Dec. 2021
Casualty insurance (by OP Insurance Ltd.) is included in term fee payment.
The deductibles do not apply to this insurance and medical expenses are covered for up to a limit of 5000€.
Use of own insurance is possible if the member wishes to do so.
Payment and invoice:
Term fee will be sent in two parts. First invoice in September and second invoice in At the end of October/beginning of November. If the Autumn term is to be suspended the second part of the term fee will not be charged.
Term fee is non-refundable in case of member dropping out in the middle of the term, without a valid reason. In case of sickness, a medical certificate is required to refunding the rest of the fee.
Discounts: (the discount 10x card and family groups are not included)
Sibling discount: -30€ (first person with full price, second etc. with the discount)
Student discount: -30€
Members of 'Pohjois-Suomen monikkoperheet ry': -10%
(in addition to sibling discount)

SOS-Lapsikylän Unelmista totta-harrastustuki:
SOS-Lapsikylä tukee haasteellisessa elämäntilanteessa olevia perheitä lastenharrastuskustannuksissa. Harrastustukea suunnataan erityisesti niille lapsille ja nuorille (7–17-v.), joille harrastuksen aloittaminen tai sen jatkaminen ei olisi muuten mahdollista. Harrastustuki vähentää heikoimmassa asemassa olevien perheiden lasten ja nuorten vapaa-ajan vieton eriarvoistumista ja syrjäytymistä. Tukea voidaan myöntää ohjatun ja säännöllisen harrastuksen osallistumismaksuihin. Ensisijaisestitukea myönnetään koulukuraattorin tai perhesosiaalityöntekijän kautta tulleisiin hakemuksiin ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan myös perheen itsenäisesti tekemiin hakemuksiin.
Lisätietoja harrastuesta osoitteessa: ja
We also accept the following means of payment: (Edenred, Smartum, ePassi, Tyky)
These tickets/cards are used as personal means of payment which can be used in adult- and parent-child groups to pay either the full-term fee or part of. Note: if using these means of payment, please fill in the information on our online registration form. For more details contact our client manager